
Getting started with ‌Awesome Loaders

What is React Awesome Loaders?

Awesome Loaders is an NPM package react-awesome-loaders which lets you create high-quality, super-responsive and customizable loading animations to insert into your website.

Why I created it?

As the owner of UI projects like MasterPortfolio and React LiquidSwipe, I understand the importance of animations on frontend, especially the loading animations.

I get many questions from beginners in frontend about how to create awesome loading animations or is any loading animation library available.

The concept of ‌Awesome Loaders is born with an idea to provide code snippets of code to beginners so that they can implement extra-ordinary loading animations in their frontend work.

Effectiveness of styled-components and power of CSS in JS has made it more compact as well as reusable. Because of that, I was able to publish it as an NPM package instead of just code snippets.

What are the differences with other loading animation packages?

Awesome Loaders is opinionated, it generates a pro-quality loading animations which are completely customizable and auto-responsive.

It includes many features:

  • Works with any web framework
  • Color Customization
  • Size Customization
  • Auto responsive (If desktopSize and mobileSize is not specified)
  • Awesome performance & scalability
  • Extra-ordinary 3D animations
  • Use of diverse & most efficient packages (while creating)
  • ..and many other features!

All of these features make ‌Awesome Loaders the most advanced loading animation package.

Getting Started

The easiest way to use one of the loaders from ‌Awesome Loaders is to install the NPM package and import the particular loader to use it.

Install NPM Package

npm install react-awesome-loaders

Import And Use

import { LoaderName } from "react-awesome-loaders"
function LoadingComponent(props) {
return (
<LoaderName {...passParametersToCustomise} />
export default LoadingComponent

The loaders are very flexible to import and use wherever you want and in any web framework that uses NPM.
The loaders are auto-responsive. i.e. The size of loader automatically adjusts itself on smaller screen sizes.
Ofcourse, you can set different sizes for different screens by passing props desktopSize and mobileSize.

Personalize options

Customization parameters are passed as props to particular loader in the package.

import { LoaderName } from "react-awesome-loaders"
function LoadingComponent(props) {
return (
export default LoadingComponent

You can look at the corresponding loader documentation on this website to see what parameters can be customized.

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