Scatter Box Loader

Loader with effect of aggregating scatter box particles


import { ScatterBoxLoader } from "react-awesome-loaders";
export const ScatterBoxLoaderComponent = () => {
return (


Below are the parameters for ScatterBoxLoader that you can customize.

classNameclass attribute for loaderStringscatterboxloader
backgroundBackground color of the loaderString#FFFFFF
primaryColorColor of the boxesString#2f71ff
durationDuration of animationNumber5
sizeSize of the logoString64px
desktopSizeSize of the logo on desktopString(empty)
mobileSizeSize of the logo on mobileString(empty)

This is the only loader which is loosely written and is not auto-responsive. The parameters size, desktopSize and mobileSize will not change the size of loader at this time. Contributions are welcome.

background is not set as transparent here because if we do that, then the box will just cross the surface and will still be visible and we won't be able to see the burying effect of box. Hence, you need to explicitly define the background color and if you are using any theming library like styled-components, theme-ui or emotion, then you need to pass dynamic argument as shown in above example.

The above explained limitations of this loader is because of its implementation in css. Creating responsiveness and dynamicity using css is very difficult, this is the prime example for that.

❤️ Inspired from codepen by Aaron Iker