Contributing to Project

All kinds of contributions are welcome

Awesome Loaders is created with the help of what is available for free on the internet and hence it will always be available for free. This makes it an open source project and everyone are welcome to contribute to different aspects of the project.

How can you contribute to this project?

Complete project code of Awesome Loaders is available publicly on Github. You can contribute to the project in below aspects:

  • Finding + fixing bugs if you come across any.
  • Adding new features to existing loaders.
  • Adding new fully customizable loaders.
  • Improving documentation where it seems abstract.
  • Sharing the project in open source mailing lists, discord servers to enhance reach.
  • Writing essential test cases using jest.
  • Automating workflows (Validating test cases + Creating deploy previews).
  • Supporting people who asks questions on discord server.

What you should know before contributing?

If you are working on contributing new loader to the project, then try creating in fully customizable. Full customization includes changing size, color and other relavent parameters. If you are using code from someone else to build new loader, then make sure that the code you are using is open source. Mention the original creator at the bottom of documentation page of new loader.

We have used styled-components to style the components for existing loaders. So, we suggest you to use styled-components for styling if you are contrbuting new loader.

Whenever you raise a pull request or share an idea by creating issue, we assume that you have no problem sharing your work publicly to open source community.