
Thank you holds worth 1000 contributions

Awesome Loaders is outcome of hardwork, passion and consistent collaboration of many open source contributors. You can see the list of contributors on Github repository.

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The most effective way to contribute to this project is to use it for your projects (personal or commercial).

If you think we have done good job, then you can give shoutout on any social media, mailing lists and discord servers of other open soource projects with the link of Github repository and this project documentation website.

You can help us improve the project code, documentation and features of loaders. You can support project by giving answers to any questions that people may ask in discord server.

This project is initiated by Ashutosh Hathidara. You can look at previous page to know more about the creator.

Creator of this project has also worked on some other amazing open source projects like MasterPortfolio, React LiquidSwipe, Truvisory and many more.

If you think you can donate something to him through below payment methods, then it will be highly appreciated. He will probably use this money to buy more productive work station and some useful softwares. Moreover, it will induce confidence in him to develop more aggressively for open source community.

Your small help will indirectly create huge impact to the community.